Fear and Loathing of the Killer, Henry Lee Lucas

     It was a head.      I mean a skull.       Just a skull. Laying there on the ground.       And I realized why I was there.      I was there because of the radio message:      “Eighty-nine, Meet Texas Ranger Phil Ryan at the southwest intersection of Highway … Continue reading Fear and Loathing of the Killer, Henry Lee Lucas

Should You Even DARE Use a Knife to Defend Yourself?

For 26 years now, a motto for my Force Necessary: Knife combatives course is, “Use your knife to save a life!” Desperate times and situations. Mine is an origin, politically correct slogan that sets the stage for the carry-and-use doctrine. The knife can be used for work, for less-than-lethal purposes and lethal purposes. Yes, less-than-lethal … Continue reading Should You Even DARE Use a Knife to Defend Yourself?

Realities of The Tackle

       The who, what, where, when, how, and why do you want to tackle a criminal, your “drunk uncle (relative) or an enemy soldier? If you tackle someone in the real un-matted, world, you will usually end up on the carpet, tile, floor, cement, asphalt, dirt, rocks, grass etc. of the indoor and outdoor, … Continue reading Realities of The Tackle

Storm Jumper! Captured Alive in Water Channel

     On the east side of our city, there ran a series of waterways, storm channels to handle the bad Texas rainstorms. I know some cities don’t have any of these drains, but I guess everyone has seen storm channels in the classic movies and TV shows about Los Angeles. Just like theirs in … Continue reading Storm Jumper! Captured Alive in Water Channel

OUTSIDE-INSIDE, Drawn Guns and Knives…or Not? And If So – When?

Not a lot of people practice drawing their weapons under realistic stress, if indeed some people ever practice drawing their weapons at all. In typical training the stick, the knife, or the gun are already in one’s hands when they start a training set! If a stick, knife or gun weapon-pull is involved in training, … Continue reading OUTSIDE-INSIDE, Drawn Guns and Knives…or Not? And If So – When?

Diminished Fighter Theory.

     Messing around with Judo, working out with friends, watching judo practice and tournaments, studying the stepping and positioning of opponents and the time it took, I once made a remark years ago in this class, that – “all judo throws work quickly after you break the guy’s nose.” And many friends looked at … Continue reading Diminished Fighter Theory.

The Greatest Pistol Shot I’ve Ever “Seen!”

It was gruesome. Memories of pain fade, but not those of parents much. Out of respect for the surviving parents, I will pass on revealing the details of this child murder here, the death, rape and mutilation of a young girl, even though it was long ago. Suffice to say that we’ll start here, when … Continue reading The Greatest Pistol Shot I’ve Ever “Seen!”

The Karambit Gambit Handicap

There’s an old story going around about me and a karmabit. The tale goes that during a seminar, lunch break, in the 1990s, a guy walked up to me and showed me his karambit, and I looked at it, opened a nearby window and threw it out the window of a two-story building. This isn’t … Continue reading The Karambit Gambit Handicap

The Drop Dead Gun

  “If I die in combat zone. Box me up and ship me home.” You’ve all heard that ditty? Or, maybe you haven’t? It comes for most who have had it as a cadence –  a song – we all sang while marching and running in the military. It has been bastardized, or satired and altered … Continue reading The Drop Dead Gun