Knocked Out on the Ground From a Kick

“Welcome to the jungle…”We all hear about how grounded wrestlers shouldn’t wrestle in the proverbial “street fight,” and one reason name-dropped is the catch phrase “multiple opponents.” Another worry for the wrestler is the catch-phrase “ground n’ pound,” – that includes striking and kicking on the way down and once downed. In the win-some/lose-some in … Continue reading Knocked Out on the Ground From a Kick

“We Wuz Here First!” “We Wuz Here Last!”

     There is a clever meme and some quotes going around now that claim “you can’t have an illegal alien on stolen ground.” You know – words to that effect. You can’t declare someone an illegal alien if you stole the ground, kind of message. Very esoteric. But historically shallow. And not realistic.   … Continue reading “We Wuz Here First!” “We Wuz Here Last!”

Seizing Guns. We Did. We do.

(Note: This was written in 2018. Has anything improved or changed?) Seizing guns. We use to do it. Do police seize guns? Yes. How long have they? Long time.      In May 2018, a Quinnipiac poll suggested Texas Voters are in favor of stricter gun regulations. The Quinnipiac survey also showed very high support … Continue reading Seizing Guns. We Did. We do.

“Cadena De _____,” or “Chain of the _______”

 As taught to me from several FMA instructors from the Presas Family to the Inosanto family, going back decades, the classic “Chain of the____ (fill in the blank)” drills were an important stage in training progressions. Chain of the Hand – cadena de mano Chain of the Stick – cadena de baston Chain of the … Continue reading “Cadena De _____,” or “Chain of the _______”

Dukes up! Another Kind of “Boom Stick.”

     For decades now, I have spotted “sloppiness, bad structure here and there in training, be it during my old Texas school of the 80s and 90s, or years on the road in seminars. Dropping hands. Sloppy finishes of strikes, or striking sets. For some people this is not a problem as they return … Continue reading Dukes up! Another Kind of “Boom Stick.”

Breaking Hand and Fist Bones When Punching

     Just about everyone knows by now, that “bare-knuckle” punching upon parts of the head can be damaging. Specifically I like to remind people that it is the “bicycle helmet” area of the skull, especially prominent, especially manifesting, when an opponent naturally ducks or ducks-and-turns versus your punches. You hit the “helmet.” Broken hands. … Continue reading Breaking Hand and Fist Bones When Punching

To Sumbrada, or Not to Sumbrada, THAT is…

First off that’s me and the “Irreplaceable” Tim Llacuna in March, 2018’s  big Central California Stick seminar weekend at Ron Esteller’s Kaju. Though the Bay Area, CA seminar that weekend was listed as Force Necessary: Stick, I also promised a little segment on Filipino stick too, just to round things off. And, as a result, we … Continue reading To Sumbrada, or Not to Sumbrada, THAT is…

The Perceptions of Your Fight

Who Fight? What Fight? Where Fight? When Fight? How Fight and Why Fight? (Or, How I learned to wrestle with my preconceived notions)     I recently watched the very first episodes of the 1980’s TJ Hooker cop show, just for sheer nostalgia. I was already a street cop and detective when TJ was on … Continue reading The Perceptions of Your Fight

Not Now…While Being Beaten in the Face

When someone is on top of you, beating the snot out of your face, you are not thinking about “why” he is doing it. Not the psychology of why. Not then. But when? But later in the “drawing room,” it might at least be interesting? In my courses, in the “genesis chapters” of them, if … Continue reading Not Now…While Being Beaten in the Face