Jaw Broken in a Fight

Loose lips may sink ships, but loose jaws lead to pain and medical operations.  Or…How can we remember to close our mouths in the assaults, or honor duels of life? One of my early detective cases in the 1980s was to unravel a country-western, bar fight. About 6 guys were involved. Some were arrested on … Continue reading Jaw Broken in a Fight

Boxing Glove Cancers, Your Fists On Your Face

I will start this essay off with the proclamation that I am an exponent and a proponent of boxing/kickboxing, all to the extent that or can be used in bareknuckle, non-sport self defense. When you fight you will not have boxing gloves, nor a mouthpiece. But, do these photos disturb you? They should. They represents … Continue reading Boxing Glove Cancers, Your Fists On Your Face

“I AM LEFF.” – Remy Presas

Remy Presas frequently told this story in seminars. Many of us have heard this “leff story.” After witnessing several bolo (machete fights) which I chronicled earlier on the Presas Group Page) , and after the somewhat underground “sport” of bolo fights began to disappear from deaths and maimings, rounded sticks replaced the bolos in fighting … Continue reading “I AM LEFF.” – Remy Presas

My Mistakes in the Knife Teaching World.

.This is where I have fallen down. Where my knife course has fallen down. Before the fall, in the 1990s there was a “resurgence” if you will, a re-look, re-examination of older knife material (which essential was a lot of knife dueling). Some might call it “knife fighting,” but I don’t like that term. But … Continue reading My Mistakes in the Knife Teaching World.

Three Pistol Breaking Points

(Everyone knows by now, I do not teach marksmanship. I do not have the patience nor the skills to do so. I cover only simulated ammo advice and scenarios. But I dared to write this once!)   The first pistol I ever fired was in 1969. After that I’ve had 26 years of formal police and … Continue reading Three Pistol Breaking Points

Will the Real Dr. Winston Clancy Please Stand Up? (Or… How to Throw a Man Out a Helicopter Over the Gulf of Mexico)

Will the Real Dr. Winston Clancy Please Stand Up?  (Or… How to Throw a Man Out  a Helicopter Over the Gulf of Mexico) After I retired I did a 3 year stint in private investigations in Texas. Then Jane got a job in northern Georgia. I was licensed in Texas, and knew no one in … Continue reading Will the Real Dr. Winston Clancy Please Stand Up? (Or… How to Throw a Man Out a Helicopter Over the Gulf of Mexico)

Pre-Fight? What About Pre-Crime?

“Keep your ‘scene’ just a ‘scene,’ and not a crime scene, baby.” – Kojak There has been much ado these last years in training/seminar circuit about pre-fight indicators. Instructors present a list that has actually been around since the 1970s. So new? No. Just new to new people, that is. Through those early years the … Continue reading Pre-Fight? What About Pre-Crime?

Who Do We Fight? Drunk Uncles, Criminals and Enemy Soldiers!

  I worry about the “who, what, where, when, how and why” questions.  In my courses and should be in your courses  too, part of the “Who Question  is “who do we fight?” Well, we fight three “enemies.”  Your “drunk uncle” Criminals Enemy soldiers 1: Who? Drunk Uncles:  “Drunk uncle” is a metaphor that means … Continue reading Who Do We Fight? Drunk Uncles, Criminals and Enemy Soldiers!